Review of Iris Johansen’s Latest Novel, Hide Away



The focus of my blog is to review book series and not individual novels, but writers are going to continue writing novels within a series even after I have done my review, so I plan on reviewing the individual novels as they come into circulation.   Iris Johansen has just recently added book #20, Hide Away, to the Eve Duncan series.

Every so often when I have lunch with a friend of mine, we discuss what books that we’ve been reading. Both of us are well-educated women so you would think that our choices of reading material would be on the more sophisticated side.  Au contraire, we both have confessed to indulging in reading material that we would normally not want our colleagues to know about.  She admitted in enjoying vampire related love stories, and for me it is Iris Johansen’s Eve Duncan series.

The series begins as a decent crime thriller with Eve Duncan being a forensic sculptor, an occupation that she acquired after her young daughter, Bonnie, was murdered by a serial killer.  In the beginning, Bonnie appeared to Eve in her dreams and was a figment of Eve’s imagination, however, that quickly changed as the series progressed, Bonnie was no longer a specter within Eve’s mind, but appears as true ethereal being.  As the series progresses, Johansen wasn’t satisfied with just a ghost but decided to add other paranormal characters and the series took on a larger than life reality, but yet I still continue to read the series.

Johansen may not win a Pulitzer for her Eve Duncan series, but she does have the ability to entertain as the series has many followers including me.  Hide Away, is the second novel in a trilogy within the Eve Duncan series, with the first being Shadow Play and with the final novel, Night and Day, to be released in mid-July. In Hide Away, fans of the series will recognize some familiar characters from an earlier novel in the series, Countdown.  MacDuff and Jock Gavin are back, along with Eve’s adopted daughter, Jane McGuire and her FBI/navy seal/cop husband Joe for a fun adventure in the Scottish Highlands.

I would suggest reading Countdown, Shadow Play, and Silencing Eve before reading Hide Away.

I would like to thank NetGalley for my Advance Reader Copy of Hide Away.

To learn more about the series check out Iris Johansen’s Eve Duncan series.

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